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WELL PUT!! Kiwi. While reading the rest of the rebuttals to an idiot, I was thinking how f*cking sad it was that he hadn't been able to get along in the sand box, and when teetering on the brink of death:ROLLS EYES:instead of making peace with God to save his ignorant ass he was planning the demise of a site on the internet that had upset him.

Buddy, save your breath..(or font) you'll need it later to blow up your date!

The more humane side of me thinks that HOPEFULLY loserguy gets some psychohelp.
He is not one can short of a six pack. He is missing the plastic that holds the cans together and they are just rolling around his head.

He doesn't have a head.

FlyboyJ, you're not telling us what to do, are you? Huh? I mean, the Mods and Admins are so strict and bossy and pushing everyone around I think I may just have to pack up and go to another forum, maybe a Wal-Mart forum. Yeah, thats it. This place is SO oppressive!
I just cant believe that someone would be so bent out of shape over the internet.

I mean I make a lot of posts when I am at work and have nothing to do but for someone to worry so much about what is going on in the internet or what happened to them on the internet is really missing a few screws.

I mean there is more to life. He must not have very many friends (probably never had any), I remember him saying something about how he hated the British because when he apparantly lived in England they would pick on him all the time.

I really do think that he was picked on his whole life and does not understand how to live in the real world. The internet is his life I guess.

RG_Lunatic or whatever your real name is, I just want you to know that I really hope you find peace in your life. You need to come to terms with your instability. There are doctors and clinics that can help you.

Please if you read this I am begging you to go and seek professional help. You are obviously a disturbed man. Try finding a friend (not an imaginary one) who might be able to help you through your troubled times.

You are sick my friend and you really need some help. Go get it....
Got a PM from this individual.... Have no idea what so ever, WHY....

But, to get back to the topic at hand....

With such a tight security net, HOW did all our Aussies get IN??!!
The reason I havent posted in a while (nobody noticed ?) is because I took a staple to the finger.....
I was missed the bone....but I stopped breathing for a coupla seconds.
Then to cap it all.....I bust a string on my guitar....
Well can imagine......I just went to pieces..
It was all your fault
I'm gonna get time I send you a picture it will be the wrong way round or something....that will mess with your heads right ??
Sounds of evil laughter......
Lunatic ?? You aint seen nothing......
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