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Gee Crashgate.... sorry to hear you're down on your luck, Pal. Is there anything we can do ? (no I don't have the winning lottery ticket).

You have been missed.....

I hope you finger is OK. Hope it wasn't your middle finger, I don't know how I'd drive a car without the use of my middle finger? Were you able to salvage the staple for re-use?
Hey everyone, Crashgate is back. We can now stop IM'ing the admins wondering what happened to our pal.

Glad to hear everything is better.

P.S. Charles - Believe me.............that was a joke!
BlackDawn. Anybody heard of this guy? I just received a deranged ranting that included potential threats of violence against the mods. Where did this guy come from. Never seen him before.
BlackDawn. Anybody heard of this guy? I just received a deranged ranting that included potential threats of violence against the mods. Where did this guy come from. Never seen him before.
He's really RG LUNATIC!

Here's his pic....


  • wowyoulose.jpg
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Kept the staple as a souvenir....changed the guitar string....working through it ....ok
Reading you guys keeps me happy...
By the way...we just had an earthquake early hours of the morning !!
The earth moved for me at last....
Epicentre just a few miles away !! scared me shi#less
Adler said it. He needs medical help. His rantings are not normal. Its creepy. I've never forgotten a crazy dude that showed up at work one day. Crazy people make all your senses go on high alert. Must be some primordial/reptilian brain thing related to fight or flight. Really creepy.
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