Ya know, all this warmongering/soapbox screaming is fine and dandy, but remember, and ALWAYS remember, that War can be justified against 95% of all the Earths countries, in one way shape or form....
they're just people who are offended by Christianity and that way of lifestyle, like any other radical and besides, thats only the very Southern part of the Philippines
yeah many people think that they can easily repel a building/ridge or shoot a gun properly and laugh at those Iranian women, but when it comes to the real deal they suck and are far behind those whom they laughed at
hmmmmm had to go see the repelling again, must do that with a cape next time I plan on climbing Castle Dome in no. California, it has a rocking nice north face 1000 footer abseil. they say I really look good in black but it might be a bit hot in summer. Like the catchy graduation shoulder sash ............... Ooooooooooooooooooh special