BikerBabe's photos

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Those are some very fine photos BikerBabe my favorite being the second from the top. Did it just rain or did you add the water. Just curious as years ago, my brother showed me an awesome photo of a spider's web covered in dew. I asked him how early in the morning he took the photo and he said,"I don't do mornings, it was at 2ish P.M. and I hit the web with water from an atomizer."

Thanks eg, I agree. ;)
When under-exposing, there's data to work with in the photo; when over-exposing there's no data to save the pic. ;)
I am impressed with those photos of the Rammstein concert taken with a cellphone (Feb 2012). Not long ago, I learned that one of the reasons that kids want IPhone 4S's and 5's is the 8 megapixel camera. They spend a ridiculous amount of time taking pictures (largely of themselves, it turns out) and videos and then email them to each other.
Alright guys, FB friend Nona gave me permission to repost this photo and tell her story behind it, translated by me.
I know that it isn't my photo, but I didn't know where else to post it, so here you are:


Nona's words, translated:
"Last week in Southern Jutland I discovered a large memorial stone sitting on the side of a small narrow side road.
On the stone was carved the six names of six very young british men from RAF, they were only between 19 and 22 years old, their aircraft had been shot down by the germans. The plane had crashed at this site.
This softie - who have educated young pilots myself - relived the scenario vividly and suddenly stood there with two very shiny eyes.
When I wanted to take a photo, this beautiful butterfly passed by and landed on the stone, right on the squadron shield. And it stayed there until I began to walk away.
Nature's little pilot came flying out of the blue and honoured the six dead airmen.
It was beautiful - and madly symbolical."
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