Brooks' Photos

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Yeah, that came out nicely despite the clouds. The red/brown of the barn and the green of the grass works well. Nice shot.
Thank you Gnomey!
That really is a great balance of colors. Some of you guys have a real natural talent.
Thank you VB.
Top shot Aaron....cloudy or not!
Thank you Wayne. It doesn't top your 88 though.
Cool shots of the barn Aaron.
I like that you can just pick out the tractor in the open door of the barn in the back.


Thank you Wheels. I just noticed the tractor, and you can tell it's been run under a low hanging object. The exhaust stack is pushed back.
Been out taking photos this weekend and fishing. I got one fish, a rock bass, and 116 photos. Most of the photos were keepers, the fish WAS NOT!
A Catawba Tree bloom

A skurrrooooooooooood up moon shot.

The Creeper Trail and the rest of these are shot using manual focus.

23 Skidoo down the fence.

If you take the shot I'll kick your for ever luvin' a$$. So I took it.

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