Oops, missed this post. Been away from my work and the forums for a bit working on projects around the house.
Vic, thanks for the tip! I have not seen this issue but will skip over to the book store tomorrow to pick it up.
While I'm at it, I'll post a few pics of what I've been up to. My first priority has been to make a master for my resin wing tanks. With thanks to Terry, here's a detail scale drawing of the odd shaped tank to show the challenge invovled. The tank, while circular in section all along the length, has a taper in the center but the circular section here is offset from the centerline so that the outside edge of the tank remains straight in plan but there is a pronounced 'dent' in the inside edge.
Using wood as my master, I started by cutting the taper with a scroll saw in the plan and elevation views as shown below.
The resulting master, seen here, did not turn out as good as I'd hoped as it was very difficult to achieve the circular section this way. The shape was, however pretty close.
I then came up with the idea to improvise a lathe with an electric drill and, using a dowel as my blank, turned another tank using a file:
After hollowing the center section to the required diameter, I removed the piece and built up the offset circle using wood filler, shown here before sanding.
The wood filler will dry over night and then get sanded to shape tomorrow. I also started on the instrument panel and general cockpit area and will post some pics tomorrow.
Cheers for now.