Maybe not so soon. I'll be going on vacation as of Saturday so nothing will be done after this week til August. Good chance I won't finish this one in time.
As promised, first two pics are of the scratch built wing tank master from which two resin casts will be made. The wood has been final shaped and the band around the narrow portion added using scotch tape. Comparing the two photos shows the complex curve as seen form the side and top, respectively. At least 6 tries of shape/putty/sand/paint has gotten me to this point. One final bit of patching and light sanding of the overall piece to get it completely smooth should do it.
Once sanded smooth, I'll scribe in some of the removable panels that can be seen on the real thing in the pic below. Anything that is unique to the left or right tank will be left off the master and scribed onto the appropriate resin pieces.
Below is some work done on one of the wings as compared with the kit-supplied piece on the left. The piece on the right has had the raised panel lines removed and new lines scribed in. The leading edge slat has been cut and moved to a lowered position as most commonly seen on CF-5's on the ground. Also, I wanted to give some riveting a try. A real CF-5 is mounted on a monument not far from my home and the rivets, although flush, are quite noticeable. To achieve this, I used a ponce wheel donated by my mother who used to outline sewing patterns with it. The spacing on the rivets was achieved by running the wheel twice along a straight edge, with the second pass starting with the teeth offset to contact the surface exactly half way between the first set of points. Although difficult to see in this pic, the effect is pretty good and will show better after a coat of primer is applied.
That's it for today. Thanks again for looking in and for your comments. Remember, criticism and tips are always welcome!