cfm Verlag P2V-7 Neptune scale 1/50

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 26, 2011
Moraine Ohio U.S.A.
How about a P2V when this finished I will bring on thje Herk in a huge whopping 1/33 scale, Ok here is a build you dont see everyday specially in card models.. This is the Neptune in 1/50 scale a huge model in that scale I have another in French markings but its in the scale of 1/33 alot of parts.. This will be a clean and fast build perhaps a week or sooner only gripe I have with the kit is that there isn,t and cockpit interier details amnd same with the undercarriage bays. all transparent parts are in the printing which is very good to say the least a good kit. time to get started.



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Ahoy Fellows
Here is the first update build report on my Neptune, As you can see its progressing very nicely.. all skins 1 through 8 are constructed along with their formers the paper in this kit is very flimsy so extra care must be taken durring the handling of the model under construction.. A fast build it will be all though there are alot of parts but its building itself as I go along tomorrow I should have the intire fuselage completed includeing the tail feathers When i get this done i will turn too on the Herky bird hero of over a thoudsand flights.. Here is the update build report pix.



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Thanks Wojtek and you other felloas for your replies on my Turtle, Okay guys the build is still going strong here isa update build report on the Neptune.. As to the fuselage assembly its almost complete I have a couple more paerts to do and the tail feathers are next.. On this update i have the canopy and the bomb airmers dome and astro dome in place the printing of these taKes away the model but it still looks good the fit pf the parts are very good I havent yet ran in to any fit issues the model is building its self and my hands help. I will post one more update for the night and will have more pictures tomorrow.



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thank Fellas for your replies she is coming along nicely here is the update build report for the night i will have more tomorrow.. on the following pictures you will see the cionstruction and installation of the astro dome and the rest of the parts that make up the fuselage assembly.. Tomorrow the tail feathers will follow.



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Update build report for the day is the construction and installation of the tail feathers.. No fit issues on the installation of the parts a clean paper model build it is next update will be the wings.. As I am building this old plane it reminds me of years past durring my boyhood in the 1940,s and 50s durring my hitch in the navy we use to launch these neptunes all the time when i was stationed on the U.S.S. KEARSARGE durring the vietnam war with two burning and two turning with catapult they went off the flight deck with no problem very enteresting. stay tune my good fellows next update will be the wings.



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Ahoy Fellows
A hardy thank you fror your replies the Herky Bird is next after this build you will like this, Okay chaps her is the update build report for now i will have more this evening i just completed the wings like that of the Rudder and strabilizers nothing more then a bolxed structure to add support to the wings... Of all card models i have built this the flimsyist paper I have ever dealt with its like building the model with notebook paper one must take care durring the construction of the model or it will end up in the trash can and all the work you have done will be wasted.. I am being a paper purist on this build no touch up coloring is added it is what it is right from the kit.. durring the construction of the build I was visited by my Rat Terrier she came down below in my shop and wanted a treat and to see what I was up to she must have ran out of mice to catch.. Here is the update tonight i will post more build repoirt pictures I am starting on the engine nacelles.



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