[COMPLETE]Server Maintenance - 05-11-09

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Would agree with Marcel and also GG, would be nice to see the flags back again.

There is already a thread somewhere on the forum of new banner ideas that was done a while ago, would perhaps suggest using one of those. Link:


Otherwise it looks good and does run faster. Guess this blue will take some getting used having been used to the brown for what seems like forever.
With Gnomey ,Marcel and GG I'd like to see the flags if possible?

also agree with Dan ,its abit hard on the eyes

Are the GB icon things gonna change to suit the backround ?
[COMPLETE]Server Maintenance - Forums Closed 05-11-09 @ 6:30pm EDT for 1-2hours


Updated Forums Version, hence the new style. We will shortly open up a contest to design some site banners. More on that...

You guys better be indeed, cus this looks shite, cold and and... well... ugly! The old website felt so... home! I though i was rederected to a hackers website with this no-style webbie look

Can i join the Contest also? And only banners or like the whole website (i'll go for option 2 )
Well, I have toget used to it but one thing I noticed is those of us who used the old background for siggys and such, like the GB icons, have to work at changing them. -adapt, overcome!

I agree Marcel. I liked the links at the bottom.

I really don't mind as long as the outages are done with. Thanks Horse!!!
Dude, lighten up! As you should be able to tell, he is working on it still.

Dude lighten up, it is now is it! Its cold and ugly... or is the thing the rest of the world calls "opinion" new to you? I asked a question and dont need captain obvious to come around, fly back plz! And dont flame me for nothing!

Can or can't i join the contest for the banners, or maybe the style of the complete website?
Yes the banner and/or style contest will be open to all. I have to finish up some items more critical to the transfer than style, but once complete we will open up a competition.
appreciate it. Does take a good amount of work to make sure the site runs smoothly. I am passing on some of the cosmetic issues(temporarily) to address some of the behind the scenes issues.
Good work horseUSA, i hope it works out all fine, the old website was fast enough for me though I know its loads of work, ive done loads of em.
But it can always be faster I cant wait fot the contest, i hope i have some spare time when its on

And Thor plz st.. you know what i mean Stop dragging the attention to yourself man. Keep it on topic at least!
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Hello Adler
the board is yours but I must admit that I like very much this blue style. But it's matter of taste and IMHO the substance is always much more important than the surface. Thanks for this excellent and interesting site!

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