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I hope you take lots of pictures to share with us
My uncle, Arthur, flew unarmed B-24s, in the right chair, all over the world from Dorval, PQ, as a Ferry Command pilot 1942-45.
Really nice build, Luis! I like how you made the radials look very good without resorting to purchasing expensive aftermarket resin sets (about $60 US for four of them). Is the flight deck of the B-17 the same green as you're using for the B-14? Can't wait to see your next posts.
Also known as C-87's. Not a very popular aircraft with the pilots.
Those props look great sir! As a tip, you might consider painting the yellow tips FIRST. Then cut a long strip of masking tape about 2mm wide (equates to 4 inches for 1/48), cut into pieces slightly wider than the blade, then apply the tape bits over the yellow, front and back with one edge lined up at the tip of the prop. Then paint the black. This gives nice, consistent yellow tips and saves on tape.