Consolidated B-24D LIBERATOR; 1/48 Revell

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Very nice work Luis! It's interesting to see the raised panel lines. I guess this is an older kit?
It's an old Revell model
And with those raised panel lines, also I will try a technique I saw in an exemplary I have of FSM
... Hopefully do well and look good the Lib

Saludos John
Hello again.
Thanks for your visits and comments; all are welcome.

I did the same procedure with the huge wings !!

To give a variety of shades on the plane, and avoid the monochrome in such large surfaces, I decided mask and randomly select a panel to paint red (to see how it looks the tone after applying the official color... [-o&lt

And so were the parts that carry the color US Desert Sand (Vallejo Model Air 71.140)

... I also did it with a shade of blue in the lower parts that carry the U.K. Azure (Vallejo Model Air 71108)

... I let it dry 2 days (not had a chance to do anything to my Lib because we go out on the weekend)

... At a moment I share photos of what done so far ...

The XXXII National Modelism Static in México is this 14, 15 and 16 of the month (starts in 2 days !!), so it will be until next year to enroll my beautiful monster.
(I have registered my Me262A-1 / U4 and P-47D, ... so this year I repeat 2 planes), as many know is hardly my second participation in a contest ...

...ahorita regreso...
...WE CAME BACK!!...

... At dawn today, after nearly six hours to devote myself exclusively to painting lines panels ...

... After washing my airbrush, I realized I forgot to paint the lines of the panels on the sides of the fuselage where the large windows are.
Well ... I'll have a chance to do it later ...
I leave you with this add photos, hoping be to your liking. Welcome any feedback you have for me.


Luis Carlos
More than a month without uploading anything additional. I miss the contact with the forum.

Everything is fine in general terms, but sometimes work and commitments are carried a little bit, which prevents me from advancing with my Lib.

How I enjoyed that Partridge Family TV series , ... a very nice comment John.

In recent days I started to work again in what I really love ...
I decided to paint the landing gear trenches, ... with tape, paper and Micro Mask to cover the uneven edges.

With Yellow Green XF-4 from Tamiya I painted them ...

I took advantage to paint the panel lines of the sides of the windows ...

...I'll be back in a moment...
I also remarked some lines of panel that were lost at the moment of sanding the pieces. I hope it is not notorious that these lines will be "sunk" and not "raised" (On both sides of the four engines...)

I used my new Tamiya's elastic tape for the first time (I bought them in the National Modeling), and I liked how it can be manipulated for some delicate areas ...

... they were ready to paint ...

Apply a light coat of matt aluminum (XF-16) at 50% with lacquer thinner (Tamiya) and then add a few drops of clear red (X-27) and clear yellow (X-24) to give a more burnt tone. ..

With oil washes and a few touches, I will improve the look ... any suggestions to give more realism to the exhaust of the engines? ...

Everything seems that soon I will start with the sand color of the desert (71,140 of Model Air)

I gladly receive your comments and suggestions, a strong hug and see you soon.

Saludos cordiales a todos!!!
Hello and thanks Geo, Tamiya produces them from 1 mm and I think up to 5 mm; Will really facilitate the work when demarcating camouflage or encint places of difficult access. I'm sure you can get many advantages. And they are reasonably priced.

Saludos amigo
Thank you very much my friends "Suertudo13" (Lucky13) and Wojtek
It has been a slow and detailed process and I want to do it in the best possible way, demanding commitment without getting angry with myself!

The accompanying me, his advice and photos, coupled with his trumpets and flattery, are pure inspiration to form a beautiful aircraft collection.

I already want to start with 2 simpler (old but well made) Revell models. I want to do them in mid-flight ... before I get into another more sophisticated model.

Have them all an extraordinary weekend ... full of modeling !!

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