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Looking great Charles and glad you're using a form of silk, I seem to recall and this was in the early 60s using a new form of very fin silk or nylon mix, it was dirt cheap and came in some amazing colours. After a few coats of dope it became as hard as rock.
Man this is taking me back nearly 60 years.................. who said that?????
Can't remember the last stick and paper plane I built. Makes me want to do one.
In my next life I think.

Thanks, Fellas....

Bill... I am ten years older than you. Been building these balsa/tissue jobs since I was 8 or 10. I remember the "Art Chester Racer" that was my first build.... the fuselage had two ribs ! I enjoy balsa much more than scale plastic.

Working on the float today....

Thanks, Fellas....

Bill... I am ten years older than you. Been building these balsa/tissue jobs since I was 8 or 10. I remember the "Art Chester Racer" that was my first build.... the fuselage had two ribs ! I enjoy balsa much more than scale plastic.

Working on the float today....

IMHO a higher skill level
Been working on one of the floats all day, and have it finished, except for the nose-block and tail-block. Have the second float pinned down as we speak.

Got a great idea for the pylons.... going to make them from 1/2" balsa (two 1/4" thick pieces with the grain going 90 degrees to each other, like plywood, glued together). Tongue at the top and bottom to fit into grooves in the float and wing, rounded on the leading edge and tapered on the trailing. Actually dreamed about this the other night !

In the 3rd pic down, if you look just a little below dead center, you can see the groove for the pylon to fit into.

Coming along smartly.....



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Excellent work Charles! I've found a colour profile which might help you later, but I'm trying to figure out how to post it!
I've made a PDF of a page from a PDF of the Mushroom book, but can't seem to get it into the right format for posting - I'll figure it out and post it eventually!
I've done it before Andy, but this time, even though the image is in the 'My Pictures' files, I can't locate it when I use the forum's upload system - strange. No problem though, I'll do it a different way tomorrow, when I'm more awake!
Terry: looking forward to the pic's. If worse comes to worse email them to me as pdf's.

Thanks for the kind words, Guys. Going to work on making up the nose-blocks today. Have block balsa 1.5" X 1.5" X 1", and will get them glued to the nose of the floats. Just have to work out a small problem.

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Terry , a PDF file can be attached here in the same way you attach JPG pics.. The max filesize of a such one is 50MB. If you want to know all allowed filetypes for uploading here just click the Manage Attachments button and then the small blue icon with the question mark in there at the right top corner of the Manage Attachments window.
Fantastic work Charles!

Would agree with you re the wood vs plastic too. Loving the HMS Halifax I'm doing at the moment, all the wood and most of the brasswork having to be cut and shaped by hand. Very rewarding!

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