**** DONE: 1/32 A6M2 Model 21 Zero EIII-117 ‘Carrier ZUIHO’ - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Charles, you could be right. In my sign painting days, to make brown one can mix red and green, but in the sun the red fades out and the sign turns a muddy green. However mixing Purple instead of red, the brown will last for a much longer time. So if red and yellow make orange, there could have been purple mixed into the primary colors to make the orange, and if the other faded out, walah, purple. After all, it was just Box Art on a model kit. I don't think the most permanent pigments would have been used for the box printing.
I will post a picture of my purple Rufe in the Kingfisher build, I built it in the early 80's, I believe. Back in the bad old days before internet research, I believed Tamiya's color chart, and, well, see for yourselves.
Sorry for the side track, Wayne.
Back to the excellent Zero!
have now done the panel lines on the upper surfaces and added the gloss over the past 2 days and to these areas as well, today the first stage of decals on the fuselage so here is where I'm at....so much so that i haven't touched the Spitty this week so far....


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Looks great Wayne. Did you use the kit decals for the fuselage and tail bands? also what method do you use to enhance the panel lines?
Just beauty Wayne!

Got a question for you and the others too: when you guys paint aircraft BEFORE attaching aerial masts, aileron horns etc, how the hell do you cement them in nicely with no gaps or damage to surrounding paintwork?

My experience is of usually oversized or misshapen slots that need clean up work before and/or after attachment of said items, which is why I deliberately attach them before commencing painting and decaling.
A4K I always test fit the aerial mast first to ensure a good fit prior to spraying and then some careful gluing afterwards.
Looking great :D *jumps :D

A4K always test fit before as Vaughan stated, but make sure to sand the part a bit before painting, sometimes I get a tight fit or I need to sand away some paint after fitting a mast, because the paint added a bit too much "thickness" to the part making it not fit the hole :D

for the glue, use a dab on the end unit of the mast and then slide it into place, after having test fitted before to ensure the paint didn't thicken up the part :)
Always a job to learn from Wayne......

If I don't put the stuff in the holes, I'll stick a piece of toothpick in the hole.

Oh wait........... now I get it, it's the gray Paper!!!!!!! That's why they look so good!
Looks great Wayne. Did you use the kit decals for the fuselage and tail bands? also what method do you use to enhance the panel lines?

Hi Vaughan, yes I used the kit decals, thought I would give them a try rather than paint and mask, actually went on perfectly!
Panel lines are done with a sharp HB pencil, check out my PDF's...

Just beauty Wayne!

Got a question for you and the others too: when you guys paint aircraft BEFORE attaching aerial masts, aileron horns etc, how the hell do you cement them in nicely with no gaps or damage to surrounding paintwork?

My experience is of usually oversized or misshapen slots that need clean up work before and/or after attachment of said items, which is why I deliberately attach them before commencing painting and decaling.

Usually prepare those bits and dry fit, to ensure all is good then superglue or use my extra thin tamiya glue brush very sparingly...at the end of the build, in the past fitted too early, I usually knocked them off....usually followed by much cursing and....well you know !

Ok moved on to the wing decals today.

Couple of more points about Zero markings...
the First, the Red wing lines DO NOT form a Box shape, there is no outer Red line.
Second the fuselage band or bands on these early Zeroes did not wrap around the entire fuselage, but stopped at a panel line on the lower fuselage.

...and Thanks all for your comments!


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