****DONE: 1/32nd scale Beaufighter VIF, 46 Sqn RAF, Egypt 1943 Group Build

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Got them automatically on IE8 Kevin. I'm as puzzled as a puzzled thing why I can't see any images, and I haven't a clue what to do to correct things. Marcel has offered some suggestions in answer to my post in the 'problems' section at the bottom of the forum pages, but, apart from 'cleaning things up', and the 'system' seeming to now run quicker, there's no change - still no bl**dy pics!!
I'm no software expert, but there might be something turned on that blocks pics Terry?

That crate is looking SWEET btw! 8) Love those exhausts!
Thanks Keith and Alex.
After farting around for a total of about 18 hours, I seem to have got rid of the problem, and can now see the pics! Seems that IE8 doesn't like to work with some of the applications on the forum, so I binned it and let MS configure IE7 to run quicker and better with the forum set-up.
So, due to all that messing about, I've only got a bit done on the Beau - the entrance hatch doors and a bit on the props.
PIC 1 shows the scratch-built hatch doors awaiting clean up and painting, the one with the integral ladder being for the front, pilot's hatch. These were fabricated from plastic card and 'Evergreen' plastic rod, and will be fitted when the model is nearly complete.
PIC 2. The props have been 'de-seamed' and cleaned up, and the hubs, bolts, hub bosses and blades painted, with a little paint wear added to the trailing edge of each blade. The tips have yet to be painted yellow. Just to give an idea of the size of this model, each prop blade is approximately 5 inches (126mm) in diameter !
Handling the model when adding detail, or detail painting, is becoming increasingly difficult, due to the size of the beast!
It's now reached the stage where some careful thought has to go into each step, so as not to foul up the previous work, but it's now in the final stages. All being well, I'll have some more pics soon.


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  • MTO Build 445.jpg
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Thanks chaps! Wayne, the painting devoured paint, and took a long time, just for the basics. I thought the black was going to be never ending!!
I have Terry! About half an acre, that big enough?? Just refer to Ian Lancs post on how to pack the model for shipping, thanks a bunch mate!

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