**** DONE: 1/48 Arado Ar 196A - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Username: dneid
First Name: Dale
Category: Intermediate
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Italeri
Extras: Aries Resin/Cockpit detail set

Ok, I was not planning on jumping in on this GB. But, reading Mike's GB and Don giving me a hard time... I am in. I am undecided about posting a picture with the GB Declaration. I figure Mike already has the basic picture up. Judges, if I need to post a pic, please let me know and I will.

Added photo....

GB Declaration Photo.JPG
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Hey, Guys,
Forgive my being AWOL the last few weeks. The job hunt thing and just flat out getting down with a couple of near misses wrt job just had me in a bit if a funk. Regardless, I have a couple of interviews this coming week, please keep me in your thoughts.

So, Don gave me a sound kick in the arse and bitched at me about getting back to building SOMETHING. So, I am putting the final finish of the spit to the side and diving into the 196. I have the resin all washed and dried and am starting in earnest today. I finally decided on RLM02 for the interior versus RLM 66 as I think the time frame I am building for makes RLM 02 the better choice. But, the time frame is 1941. Any feedback on RLM 02 versus RLM 66 would most appreciated. I am leaning towards markings (box decals) of either ) an A-2 Aux Cruiser Thor (HSK-4) Japanese bird or an A-5 from 2/Sagr. 125 off of Crete in 1941 (love the yellow chin and tips). If I do go with German markings, I will need a couple of swastikas. Anybody have some of the appropriate size they can spare?

Good to be back at the bench. Thanks for the boot to the back side, Don.

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Hey, guys,
Well, I have the resin washed and a first coat of RLM 02 on the various cockpit pieces. I have the right side MG bay panel cut out. Both cockpit sidewalls are installed in the respective fuse sides. Everything is clamped and the PVA is drying. Pics to come tomorrow after I get the detailed painting done. Does anyone have any pics of the MG bay? My only reference does not. An internet search has yielded nada as well. I am looking for bay and panel hinging details.

I have really enjoyed getting back on the bench. I owe you a big thanks, Don.
Ok, here are the pics as promised. PVA is dry and all setup. I need to get the detailed painting done on the side walls and then the rest of resin bits for the cockpit.....

Cockpit Sides Installed.JPG

Gun Bay Open.JPG
Good luck with the job search Dale. Hope you land something soon. Sorry I can't help with your queries but you might want to check in the technical section if there is a manual available that shows the gun bay.

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