**** DONE: 1/48 Bf 109G-4/R6 "Yellow 11" of 13.(Slow)/JG 52 Eastern Front GB

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Thanks everyone.

... The upper horizontal windscreen frame seems a bit 'deep' though?

Not sure what you mean Terry. Do you mean the frame is too big (i.e the mask is too small) or the fact that the top sits lower than the center canopy piece? If it's the latter, that will be fixed when I glue in the center. It'll need to be adjusted slightly first.
Looks like the windscreen horizontal frame is too thick, so more masking forward. (The frame forward of the slightly curved transparent top panel, not the frame which meets the canopy frame.)
Andy here are the 11's i pm'd you about, enlarged the pic and posted the smaller version as well, hope they will be suitable.
let me know if you want them and they are yours.


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Karl, thanks so much but the hook on the ones is not the same shape so, although gratefull, I'll have to pass on your offer. I think I'll be able to make these by painting the yellow and making my own black outline decals on clear film. That'll take care of the dashes as well.

Everyone, thanks for your kind wishes. It was a good vacation although my luggage is still enjoying a trip somewhere other than where I had planned it to go.

Terry, thanks for clarifying your point. I agree with you and will fix it but may I have to sand down what appears to be a frame edge in the moulding.

shame they dont match, could've been an easy fix but any time mate, always glad to try and help when i can
Here's the first update in a couple of weeks since getting back from vacation. Much time has been spent on sanding/scribing and other mods to be seen below.

First off, I decided I didn't like the look of the supercharger intake once I saw that I had an extra one included in my Hasegawa G-6 kit. I lopped off the Hobbycraft one, which seemed too bulbous to me, and replaced it with the Hasegawa one. The below tow pics show the comparison.

Next is a close up of the underwing gondola. Despite having drilled out the barrel, I'm not satisfied with the look of the barrel as it's about too big in diameter. I found some appropriate sized brass tube at my local store and will replace these barrels with tube later on after things are painted.

Having now completed the sanding and scribing, I squirted a coat of RLM 76 onto the bottom, sides and over the engine cowl. First, I fixed the masks on the front canopy as noted by Terry above and then sprayed some RLM 66 onto the frames so this would show on the inside.

Planned for tomorrow will be the yellow areas. I decided to create masks for the dots on the cowl using little balls of blue tack, henc the complete base ocat of RLM 76 in this area.

Thanks for looking in everyone.
Looking good Andy. Like your work.
So, you decided to go with RLM76 and not yellow for dots on the engine after all. That would be my choice too, but I wish we could have definite answer regarding the true nature of color used for these dots.

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