Here's the first update in a couple of weeks since getting back from vacation. Much time has been spent on sanding/scribing and other mods to be seen below.
First off, I decided I didn't like the look of the supercharger intake once I saw that I had an extra one included in my Hasegawa G-6 kit. I lopped off the Hobbycraft one, which seemed too bulbous to me, and replaced it with the Hasegawa one. The below tow pics show the comparison.
Next is a close up of the underwing gondola. Despite having drilled out the barrel, I'm not satisfied with the look of the barrel as it's about too big in diameter. I found some appropriate sized brass tube at my local store and will replace these barrels with tube later on after things are painted.
Having now completed the sanding and scribing, I squirted a coat of RLM 76 onto the bottom, sides and over the engine cowl. First, I fixed the masks on the front canopy as noted by Terry above and then sprayed some RLM 66 onto the frames so this would show on the inside.
Planned for tomorrow will be the yellow areas. I decided to create masks for the dots on the cowl using little balls of blue tack, henc the complete base ocat of RLM 76 in this area.
Thanks for looking in everyone.