Thanks all. Per John's request, I'll show the process I use to scribe my panel lines. The first step was to sand the tail joint to ensure everything is properly aligned. There is still a faint joint line visible but this cam in handy for scribing the line.
I use Dymo tape for a straight edge. This stuff is good in that it sticks well to the model, is very flexible and yet is stiff enough to provide a good edge for the scribing tool.
I then cut a strip of tape and line it up on the model. It's important to remember that, when placing the tape on a curved, tapered surface, the edge on the line to be scribed should be on the "uphill" side of the taper, otherwise you'll never get the tape to form a straight line.
This is my scriber. I've found t necessary to epoxy glue some coffee sticks to these to provide a decent handle.
A few passes of the tool does the job. The tape is removed and the line cleaned out with an old tooth brush. What I like about these saws is that they actually remove material whereas a scalpel or xacto blade just kinda move the plastic around and form a bump.
In the meantime, I finished off the right side of the cockpit and glued the floor to it. I added an oxygen hose made of guitar string.
That's it for today. Thanks for looking in.