**** DONE: 1/48 ICM Spitfire Mk IX AE-B Ian Keltie of 402 SQDN RCAF Commonwealth GB

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Good stuff Andy. I've been b*gg*ring about with the canopy latch too, and the rubber ball jettison handle. I thought doing it in 1/32nd scale for my Spit XIV was bad enough, but it's Bl**dy tiny in this scale !
Sure is. 3mm wide and 3 pieces, plus one small square on the canopy itself. Happy it turned out but wouldn't have cared much if it didn't!

Thanks Terry.
Thanks Wojtek and Paul. You'll be happy know that this one is done now and it's back to the Uhu.

Herewith some final shots of this build. Thanks to everyone who provided info and comments. Enjoy.


  • 110108 Cockpit left.jpg
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