**** DONE: 1/48 Ju-87B - Aircraft Nose Art GB.

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Thanks Guys, well my window was only 20 minutes today.....but i took it... got the airbrush out and finished the RLM71....sides of cowling and rear fuselage and wing leading edge done....fingers crossed for some RLM70 tomorrow, I can't fix the Lower surface 65 until the 70 and Brown are done....

unless you guys grant me the extra week then I definitely won't be done by this coming Sunday to be part of the poll section...leave it to you guys for thumbs up or thumbs down....


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Damn, Wayne. That looks stunning! Sorry to hear about the cramping and such. Hope you are feeling better. If not, I am even more impressed with the latest pics. I sure perked up the mention of an extension (3-5 days would be perfect - who do I ship the beer to and what beer is the choice of said individual?).
Looking good Wayne. Even though we keep saying no more extensions, it's OK by me.
I'll leave you to post the announcement! And include a bit about finishing models for one GB before starting the next GB !!!
Thanks for posting the Extension stuff Terry, much appreciated...

missed out again today right when I was all set to run some RLM70 on the wings...who invented F***ing phones anyway...seems everyone wants to talk to me at lunchtime....

Well, come hell or high water I'm gonna splash some paint tomorrow....planning has begun....step one Ear Plugs....step 2 barricading the door to my office...
yeah, Don't disagree Andy but some people can't be ignored...like the 'Big' Boss...

anyway no pics but I DID get a good chunk of RLM70 Black green on her today, WILL finish this colour tomorrow if things fall into place.....plan is brown Saturday and Gloss Sunday....earlier if I can...
Thanks for the kind words guys...had some opportunities once again to break out the airbrush and got the RLM70 Black green on over 2 days....the afternoon sun makes it look a bit lighter than it is...Have not completed some spots of the 70 as the Brown will cover those areas, didn't want to waste time painting the extra colour on an area that would be covered by the final colour later...with luck the brown and the lower surface 65 touch ups will go on tomorrow.


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