Thanks once again gents for your kind words.
Apart from doing some final painting prior to the decals being applied, I also decided to sort out the busted antenna. Following yesterdays contemplation
on replacing them all I decided
that maybe I should just repair the offending one and hope that I don't bust any more.
Just sticking it back on with CA I knew from experience wasn't going to work. These antenna apart from being in a vulnerable position are extremely weak at the point where this one has busted off so a bit of strengthening was required.
I decided to micro drill out on both sides of the join, after all I've had plenty of practice of late on the Me 262, I will then insert a small piece of the steel wire as seen in the photo.
Here you can see the wire just sticking out of the broken bit of antenna.
Both bits joined by the wire and ready to be pushed home.
The final repair prior to the application of a small drip of CA. Hopefully capillary action will seal the joint down solid, then a quick clean will see the job done.