**** DONE: 1/72 Aichi M6A1 Seiran - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Apr 6, 2008
Orange NSW
User Name: parsifal
Name : Michael
Category : Beginner
Kit : tamiya
Scale : 1/72
Accessories : None, OOB with kit decals

The subject of this GB is the IJN "M5A1 seiran generally as intended to be carried by the I400 class submarines in their attack on the panama canal, This was an audacious plan by the IJN in the dying days of the war, but was eventually cancelled. as a plan it reflected very nicely the unreality of the japanese high command. but it does not reflect the technical excellence of this aircraft, which has been the subject of many models over the years.

i am entering this in the competition, but for a while it will be on the back burner as i complete the other entry i have also submitted (the PBY). it will have to be very much a "time permitting" effort, but i think i can meet the deadlines and still do a reasonable job
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Yeah I know, but i wont start this one until the Cat is well under control. Hope people can live with that.

In the meantime I might as well ask the questions thats burning me on this model. That green colour, how to best make it. ive heard these IJN greens are deceptively hard to get right. Any advice before I have a go guys?
Finally, a start. i know that its very late, but i think it still possible to complete this kit, provided everything goes well. if i run out of time, i will still finish this as a non competition build


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some further shots, no time to lose. happy with the bockpit effects so far. i tried using the IP decals for the rear CP and hand painted (dry brushing) of the dials for the pilots CP. My wife says the hand painted effects are better....


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I was enjoying this build so much, I went back for a third round. Was happy with progress, but struck a problem at the end. i joined the two halves, andthen discovered a massive mis match under the front cowling. I think the lead weights ive put in the nose are a little proud.

if i can, i might pull the thing apart again and try and fix this problem. If not...well there is always my investment in the plastic filler company.


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