**** DONE: 1/72 Westland SeaKing - Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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I agree with the white thingy. I have found if you put a very light coat down first, let it almost dry, or even dry for that matter, then additional light coats till it is covered works best. White requires much patience. If you are doing Gloss white, first put down a coat of matt or flat as an undercoat.

Thanks for the advice and I might try it. Now that the applications are dry, there are some areas near the turbines and near and on the dorsal hump that are very poor. I might sand these areas back , mask around them that have a second go.

Now here is a photo of 07 which I found on the internet, where are you looking at putting down more black??? Am I overlooking something?

Not a lot, but some. The black areas near the engines are not quite the right shape and appear a bit wonky. they arent actually wonky, but the bulgeson the starbord side make the black outline look distorted. looking carefuly at the photos, I can see where I went wrong....

I also have to put some black around the turbine intakes and also on the lower parts of the co ckpit glazing (and just below the clear glazing as well. Finally I have some straightening up of the pontoon floats as well

I have a bigger problem, however, I think my colour selection of the grey area is wrong....too dark. I used Tamiya Dark Sea Grey, and unfortunately its just too dark. I need some advice here if I may. I am a bit reluctant to apply a thick coat of paint to get the colour right. I was thinking of going to Tamiya Light Sea Grey but thinning the paint a little (about 1 in 4) with acrylic thinner. Will a thinner coat of somewhat lighter shade of the same basic colour (grey) be succesful in masking that colour. guess the best way to find out is to do a test sheet. i want to keep the respray thin, because too much more paint layers will start to affect the detailing IMO.
I think you answered your own question there Michael, I also think it may depend on if your hand brushing or spraying. If spraying I would say 'yes' give it a try with a very light and distance dusting sort of spray but with a hand brush and heavily thinned paint, I'm unsure if this would work.

I know this may sound way off beam, but can you clean the paint off very gently and lightly with cotton buds just lightly touched with thinners, i.e. dip the bud in the thinners and then dab it on a kitchen paper towel to remove most of the moisture and then lightly rub back the paint, wiping this off with a clean bud or cloth. Continually repeating the process with clean buds for stripping and cleaning. Then wash the model in a light solution of washing liquid and warm water, then a rinse and dry.
A quick update. I have sanded back those areas that i was not happy with to get rid of the lumps and bumps. I have applied a lighter fine spray of Tamiya "Royal Light Grey with 25% thinner added, and found the result quite satisfactory. I reconsidered my ideas about applying some of the smaller, finer parts of the black colour by hand. Now I am going to go for all parts using the airbrush, but that requires a lot more and careful masking. The main problem with the existing black spray was that some of the paint lines were in the wrong place and gave the black areas an overall "wonky" look. I am curently still masking off. After I have applied the black and am happy, I will apply the final layer of white, after adjusting the masking. The turbine intakes are partially silver but I will paint that on with a brush (very very small).

Im happy that I finished up going back to correct the errors, So far the work is progressing pretty well. but there is a long way to go.

This kit has issues with regard to hull shape at the front that I did not notice before. The boat tail bow is the wrong shape for a mk 50. minor detail unless you know what you are looking for. I just didnt notice until it was too late. Im not going to cut my wrists over it, but it does disappoint, considering the amount of work needed to get a decent result on this project.
You're doing a great job and are getting into the swing of things man!
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the next pics.
A day late, my apologies, but some progress shots. Am generally happy, though I know now why Airfix is sometimes criticised for over doing rivet lines......

Havent yet attached the rotors. ive just placed hem on the body to see how they look

There is a blemish on the starboard rear quarter that I need to go back and fix. I also have to mount the aerials tail rotor winch and a few other bits

Im still considering whether to attempt a scratch build of the tie down harness. I see Vic did it very successfully. At this scale, and with my skills I am hesitant to try it on my model.....


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