OK, some pics. There's a lot of cleaning-up to be done still, as I found this last session very awkward and time consuming, due mainly to my hands and wrists being extremely stiff.
PICS 1 and 2. Show the modified gunsight, with the projector lens drilled, painted, and glazed with PVA and Future. The reflector screen and sun filter were made from scraps of clear sheet, with the filter given a coat of green acrylic mixed with Future, and the power lead is a piece of stretched sprue. Also visible here are the UV cockpit lamps on each side wall, made from short lengths of plastic rod.
PIC 3. The windscreen in place, with the grab handles added from thin plastic rod. The internal frames were painted, and the outside masked and the frames also painted in the internal colour, just in case. Note that the gunsight was slightly disturbed when fitting the windscreen, and this will be re-aligned once the screen has set and the edges sanded and blended.
PIC 4. The windscreen and rear glazing in place, with the saddle cowling loosely attached to aid alignment of the screen. Also visible are the fuel filler cover, engraved on top of the fuselage, and a hole for the antenna lead-in insulator pot, further to the rear.
PIC 5. The supercharger intake was filed down and new vanes added from stretched sprue. Once fully set, these will be trimmed and the edges tidied up. Not shown are the holes and slots for the rudder actuator cables, drilled and filed into the lower rear fuselage.
Next step is to complete the sanding of the control surface ribs, and then fit the ailerons and elevators, before masking and priming the model, ready for the first painting stage. The model will be given at least two coats of primer, in order to reduce some of the heavy panel lines and access hatch engravings.
Thanks again for your interest and kind comments, and I'll post another update soon.