**** DONE: Bf109E4 'White 6' I/JG3 BoB Group Build.

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I know that the RLM02 looks so bad in these pics only. However my RLM02 of Humbrol I used for the Airfix 1/24 scale Bf109E. looked a little bit like the Earth-Brown one when airbrushed. Just the gloss dope made it looking better.However it needs to add a few drops of a green. I did it for the engine mount of the Bf109E. I can tell you the tonality of the Humbrol enamel got better. Just like you I think it's time to find new manufacturer for basic paints.
Thanks very much Charles and David.
Wojtek, I mixed the RLM 02, using Humbrol Dark Green 30 and Grey 27, as I normally do. I matched it against an old Humbrol tin lid from their long-gone 'Authenticolour' range, of RLM 02, and against an actual paint chip I have. When viewed 'for real',in good daylight, or under a colour-compensating 'daylight' bulb, it matches exactly the other models where this mix has been used - I think it must be the bulb in my lamp. The 'pulsing', or oscillation, can actually be seen as a rapid flickering motion, and I think this is upsetting the metering in my camera. Even the dark green looks lighter, and the RLM 65 looks more like RLM 76 on the monitor !
I've now applied the first coat of gloss clear varnish, and the colours look a lot better now. I had some minor problems with this stuff - Humbrol again - as it looked like the colour of thinly diluted blackcurrant juice! It was also difficult to spray, even when thinned to the limit, and has gone on, and dried, patchy. I'm going to apply the next coat by brush !
Definitely time to find a replacement enamel, as Humbrol is just too inconsistent these days. It'll either have to be White Ensign, or Xtracolour I think. Darned shame, as I've been using Humbrol, without problems (until recently) for almost 50 years !!
Looks really good there Terry and I'm sure you have those colours right. Hope you find a good new paint. Model Master enamels and acryls are very common here and I've found them to be quite satisfactory. Fewer stores are carrying the Humbrol line.
Thanks Andy. The way Hornby (the owners of Airfix, Humbrol etc) are going, it wouldn't surprise me if no one stocks Humbrol paints in the future!
I understand you fully Terry. I have been using Humbrols for almost 40 years. So it is really a shame the quality of the enamel tonalities has gotten worse.However I still don't have any problem with applying.
I used to swear by Humbrol and, you know, I have tins of these that must be close to 25 years old that are still good. The little Kubelwagen I did for my Me 262 earlier this year used a 26 year old tin of Humbrol HI 4 Sand. Shame that such a once good product is losing its quality.
Dead right! Like you Andy, i still have some tins of Humbrol, including some original 'Autheticolour', which is between 25 and 30 years old, and still works fine, without problems. But the current rubbish, if it hasn't gone 'off' in the tin after a few weeks, is so inconsistent, I never know what to expect of it. Sometimes, a particular colour can perform beautifully, but the next tin of the same colour can be absolute cr*p !!
Thanks H and NFN. Can't get MM paints locally, and don't see them advertised here much. I'll go with Xtracolor for now, by mail order, until I can get my local shop sorted with WEM. It's a pain having to get them by post though, as it means a minimum order of 6 tins at least, and all the hassle if I suddenly run out.
Anyway, the model has now had some very light panel line work done, and the first stage of weathering, and has been gloss coated. Next step is the decals, detail painting and exhaust staining, and a little more in the way of 'wear and tear'.
Here's what she looks like so far.
Thanks again for your interest and compliments.


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It's going to look really great when done Terry. Did you leave the rudder off for ease of painting? I'm thinking that's a good idea as the elevators get in the way for spraying.
Thanks Andy. Yes, the rudder is off to A) stop it getting in the way. B) Stop it getting knocked off, and C) to make it easier to paint the rudder, and the two abschuss zeichen. It'll be fitted, along with the actuator cables, after the model has been semi-matt clear coated, and the landing gear etc fitted.

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