Thanks very much Charles and David.
Wojtek, I mixed the RLM 02, using Humbrol Dark Green 30 and Grey 27, as I normally do. I matched it against an old Humbrol tin lid from their long-gone 'Authenticolour' range, of RLM 02, and against an actual paint chip I have. When viewed 'for real',in good daylight, or under a colour-compensating 'daylight' bulb, it matches exactly the other models where this mix has been used - I think it must be the bulb in my lamp. The 'pulsing', or oscillation, can actually be seen as a rapid flickering motion, and I think this is upsetting the metering in my camera. Even the dark green looks lighter, and the RLM 65 looks more like RLM 76 on the monitor !
I've now applied the first coat of gloss clear varnish, and the colours look a lot better now. I had some minor problems with this stuff - Humbrol again - as it looked like the colour of thinly diluted blackcurrant juice! It was also difficult to spray, even when thinned to the limit, and has gone on, and dried, patchy. I'm going to apply the next coat by brush !
Definitely time to find a replacement enamel, as Humbrol is just too inconsistent these days. It'll either have to be White Ensign, or Xtracolour I think. Darned shame, as I've been using Humbrol, without problems (until recently) for almost 50 years !!