Managed to make some good progress, with the two cowlings now shimmed, the oil cooler and bath fitted and the gaps taken care of, and the wings and tail planes finished and fitted.
PIC 1. Shows the shims in place on the lower main cowling joint, and the lower and upper saddle cowling joint. These are two different thicknesses of plastic card, and are awaiting trimming and sanding flush in this pic.
PICS 2 and 3. The cowlings loosely in place, showing the improvement. When properly fitted, and after painting, this should look more like a real panel joint.
PIC 4. The curved slot for the tail plane incidence adjustment has been opend up. I should have done this before joing the fuselage halves, in order to thin the inside surfaces - but I forgot !
PIC 5. The oil cooler has been attached, mounted onto a strip of plastic card cemented across the rocker covers. The intake bath has had the front shutter added from a strip of plastic card, and the centre section panel has been added.
PIC 6. The intake bath in place, having been first painted RLM 02 inside, and the joints and sink marks filled and sanded. These have yet to be polished. Note the undercarriage mounting brackets, very similar to the actual aircraft.
PIC 7. The wings and tail planes are on, and the HP slats have been cut through to give the appearance of separate components.
PIC 8. As I want to attach the windscreen and rear glazing before priming and painting, the gunsight will need to be fitted at this stage. This is the kit part, which will receive a lot of attention in an attempt to improve it !
PIC 9. The supercharger intake has a poorly-formed 'grille', which has been the same on the other two Matchbox '109s I've built in the past. This will be drilled out and filed, and separate slats added from plastic card.
So, after these last two areas are taken care of, it'll be time to prime the model, to see what needs filling, and then put it aside until the same stage is reached with the Hasegawa kit.
Thanks again for your kind comments and interest, and I'll post another update soon.