**** DONE: Bf109F-1, W.Nr. 5628, Werner Molders, Stab JG51, Me/FW Group Build.

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Love those profiles on the AviaSkins forum Wotan....but I think Kloppers 109 had a Black 1 with red border.....sure i've read that interpretation somewhere too....

Thanks. there is still my other profiles. Bf109's from JG54, I-16's, MiG-3.....

from looking at a series of pics of Molders machines it appears he used his F-1 for some considerable time...along with others. Found 1 shot with the full 101 bars on the F-1..!
Yes, this is his rudder:

Most likely, while on F-1, he no longer participated in the battles, and used the aircraft as a reserve.
In the photos of summer 1941, seen at least one more plane, the cabin, is Melders often found. They are in the book "Jagdfliegerverbande Teil 6 Teilband I ", and some were on EBay, and video

other aircraft F-2:

And other F-2 WNr.9704

There are more photos of unidentified and little known of his aircraft series "F"
Thanks for the info Wotan. I have, or have seen, photos of two Fs, one of which was an F2, the other the F1, both with very similar, but slightly different markings, used in the same period in France in 1941.
Vic, I expect quite a few fit 'problems' as I go along - nothing a few new swear words and a calming 'T Stoff' or two can't handle though - I hope !
Got some bits and pieces added to the cockpit, and almost ready for the first painting stage.
PICS 1 and 2 Show a few additions to the main cockpit structure, with the seat belts made from foil. These have yet to have the fasteners/adjusters added and await painting. The shoulder harness belts will be added once the fuselage halves are joined.
PICS 3 and 4 Show the cockpit wall as provide in the kit. The trim wheel has been fitted to the port wall, and the sprue tab will be trimmed when it has set.
PIC 5. I haven't yet decided whether to have the canopy open or closed, but the starboard wall cried out for at least a little attention, so some basic detail has been added. This will be tidied up before painting.
PIC 6. The instrument panel as supplied in the kit. The bomb selector/drop tank panel on the lower edge will be removed, as this '109 wasn't, as far as I'm aware, equipped for bombs.
PIC 7. The auxiliary panel removed, and the first stage of painting. Gloss white enamel has been brushed onto the instrument faces first. The panel will then be painted, with the 'dials' painted matt black, then the instrument details scratched to reveal the white beneath. This will be followed by a dab of 'Future' or gloss varnish on each dial, to simulate the glass, and colour added where required.
That's all for now, thanks for your interest, and I'll post another up-date soon.


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The cckpit area is now painted and assembled. Not one of my best efforts, I'll admit, but good enough for what will be seen, especially if I decide to have the canopy closed.
PIC 1 shows the main assembly cemented onto the starboard wall, after a bit of fiddling and trimming.
PIC 2. As with the other ICM kits I've built, strips of plastic card have been cemented along the join line, to aid with alignment, as there are no locating pins on these kits.
As the kit is supposed to be assembled with the engine as part of the cockpit assembly, the next step is to join the fuselage, and work out the best way to fit the cowlings and exhausts without the engine assembly in place !
Thanks again for your continued interest, and more pics soon.


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Coming along nicely Terry and I recon you turns a sows ear of an instrument panel into a work of art. The rest isn't too bad either.........

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