Ok will not post pictures for 2 or 3 days since 1no RLM 70 to finish her off. 2All documents from this PC are being switched to the new MAC I got well we got... so it has to go to the store...
Things are a bit slow at the moment, to many people in the house, hope to get back to normal afteer tomorrow.
Have to say your Do 217 is coming along nicely, good work on the canopy's, just a touch of toothpick scraping and you should be fine.
Just popped in and checked the thread. This is looking great H! But like Terry said, take your time, don't rush. If it doesn't get done this weekend there is always next! Looks good!
She's done I'll let her dry then post pics.....hopefully it's done in time for my grandpa whose visiting tomorrow who is in love with all Dornier Bombers...
Hey, not too bad H, though the pics are a bit unsharp. Und by zer vay, vye does your Grandpa like der Dornier zo much heh? Iz it dat he iz Luftwaffe 'Alte hare' hein??
Couldn't understand the last bit... but he likes Dornier because he just does I guess... he talks about them everytime I see him. He was Navy during Korean War and my other Grandpa (passed away) was 82nd Airborne in Korea.... I'm gonna start a thread on him though with pictures..