Thanks gents. Sadly, both bottles I have for RLM 74 & 75 aren't close to the colours. I bought these a long time ago so I believe they were from a period when Vallejo got some of their colours wrong as both of these are very dark grey. When things like this go sideways I tend to lose ambition and enthusiasm. I've got a bottle of Pollyscale RLM 74, very old but it looks like its held out well. I'm searching for a Tamiya mix for the 75. I've found three but not sure which or any are correct: this is one of them...XF-24 Dk. Grey, XF-51 Khaki Drab, XF-2 Flat White 1/1/1. Another is XF-24 Dk. Grey, XF-50 Field Blue, XF-2 Ft. White 5/1/2. The third is just two colours, XF-24 Dk. Grey, XF-50 Field Blue 5/1. I don't have XF-50 and very little of the others. I've also found a source that says XF-63 German Grey is a close match for RLM 74, and XF-75 IJN Gray (Kure Arsenal) is a close match for RLM 75. I'll see if I can get motivated enough to work on the other thread..........