**** DONE: GB-49 1/48 Bf109E-3 - Favorite A/C of WWII

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Dang....cross posted with Terry....what he said

Both, very much appreciated. I was about to run out of beer. Naah!, just kidding. I'm going with my Taymia stash for the interior. XF-22 for the complete cockpit coverage and XF-24 for the instrument panel. And of course blacks and reds and silver where appropriate for the bits.
The tamiya mix i used on my Wick 109's for RLM02 was

XF-22 RLM Grey 5 parts, XF-49 Khaki 5 Parts XF 2 Flat White 1 Part the IP I'm pretty sure was XF-24 Dark Grey, when I want darker towards RLM 66 I use XF-63 German Grey

The Fluoro light makes the colours appear lighter than they are.....

Thanks for your kind comments Ralph.
There are 2 interesting photos of your "bird" L-52 in this Me-109 archive. The tail with the stencils is visible - Airfix added those as a decal.
It's clearly visible that the Yugoslavian Me-109E-3a do not have head armour.
There are 2 interesting photos of your "bird" L-52 in this Me-109 archive. The tail with the stencils is visible - Airfix added those as a decal.
It's clearly visible that the Yugoslavian Me-109E-3a do not have head armour.

Always amazed at this forum. The depth of knowledge and detail!! I scanned through the magazine you sent the link for, TWICE, and did not pick up on the L-52 being one of the 109's in the photos? Of course, my trying to phonetically pronounce the French and then try and interpret did not help!

So, I can claim, if I include the red/white/blue, that it is as was delivered?? Or, would that be stretching? Did the Germans paint the Yugo colors and provide the markings? Or were those added, the markings, while they were repainting the tail?
...So, I can claim, if I include the red/white/blue, that it is as was delivered?? Or, would that be stretching? Did the Germans paint the Yugo colors and provide the markings? Or were those added, the markings, while they were repainting the tail?
AFAIK the original Yugoslavian markings and camouflage are factory applied:

For the time of the transfer only WASHABLE German identifications have been applied to the export a/cs. I believe the excerpt below gives answer to your question:

The above excerpts are from the book mentioned in posts #13 & 14.
Well! This certainly changes what Airfix has specified for interior colors and out. Not too much, but it does clearify what was painted what, inside and out. Curious about the 'washable' paint. I read this as the Yugo markings were covered with German markings, washable? I'll assume the tail colors were not washable?
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All Yugoslav markings were factory applied, as specified in previous post. The markings were covered with washable paint, with radio codes and swastika flag added for transfer flights. Note that this was done only on aircraft which were flown from Regensburg to Yugoslavia. Much greater number of aircraft were transported by rail. Not all of those which flew, however, have reached their destination as is shown in the picture of "Black L-55" in attachment bellow. (Source: "Bf 109 - Yugoslav Story" Volume 1).


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Let the fun begin! Amazing how much lint/fuzz/crap shows up when photos are made? Even under a jewlers loop, with corrective grasses under those, I did not see this stuff... Anyway, here is the start.

Bf109E-3 fusalage 1.jpg

A note on the fuselage fit. I had to do some serious enlarging of the alignment holes. The fit was to tight to even get within 1/8" (3.2mm) of closing the gap between the two halves.

Bf109E-3 Seat 1.jpg

I did use the decals for the instrumentation. I applied Taymia Markfit-strong a couple of times and they seem to have 'sucked' down well enough to be in a cockpit that will be buried under a canopy.

Bf109E-3 Instrumentation.jpg

Trying to focus was a 'B'. I did not want to get the EOS out for this.
Looking good so far.
Tell me more about those corrective grasses - do they make the lawn all the same level and neat ??!!!

Lawn?? I live on a ranch, no neighborhood associations, a tolerant wife (as far as the outdoors goes), and hungry cattle. Sure they miss some here an there and I have to get out the weed-wacker, but lawn?? Did I mention natural organic fertilizer?

POST: AAAH! Grasses. I guess I spent to much time in my old life in the far east?
Probably nit-picking but curious about what gets interior/frame work paint and what gets exterior. The exterior will be per the scheme I'm going with, the Yugoslavian markings and colors; RLM 65 on the bottom and RLM 71 on the upper surfaces. The interior, and the frame elements, are a close match using Taymia XF-22 (can be seen in the wing wheel opening). I have placed some arrows on these photos, pointing to areas that I'm not sure gets what? Should I be touching up the exterior colored areas (which will be air brushed on) with the frame color ? Or were these frame areas painted with whatever was being applied when built at the factory? I know AR! Look it up in the dictionary and you probably will see my photo when I was a child. Maybe I should be building it flaps neutral?
interior colors 1.jpg
interior colors 2.jpg
interior colors 3.jpg
Always best to ask first instead of having to do it over and we are more than happy to help. I'm thinking RLM 02

Thank you. Do-overs are no fun.

Intuition says that these areas would have just been painted whatever was being applied externally, but that would have assumed flaps up or down. If in neutral position when being painted then the frame colors would have survived. The previous post from CATCH-22 shown flaps down. SO??

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