**** DONE Hasegawa 1/48 Junkers Ju-87G-2, Kdr./SG2 Heavy Hitters GB

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Great work Vic! The 'heaters' you mentioned in an earlier post are actually the early type oxygen regulators, as also found in Bf 109E's, Hs 123, etc
Thanks matey, the heaters thing was just a wild guess on my part as to date I've found no reference material that shows or mentions them.
:hotsun: :hotsun:
No worries mate! I've got some good colour photos of early and late types if you're interested.

Thanks for the offer Even, I think I'll be ok unless you have something that will show mw how the top cowling cover looks when taken off. It is possible that in later models the top lifts up like the bonnet of an old car i.e. hinged down the centre top.

Great job on the actuators Vic. It would take me about one "squillion" attempts before I managed to do them as neat as that - good stuff!

Thanks for that Pete. This is the first time I've tried to do intricate work on a model, so your complement is much appreciated and very encouraging.
:hotsun: :hotsun:
Been having fun and hard at it for a couple days.

:hotsun: :hotsun:


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Great stuff Vic. Its nice to see how an after market set goes together, I often see them finished but not during.

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