****DONE: 1/48 B-24D Liberator 'Fightin' Sam' Heavy Hitters Group Build

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Yes, yes.. If school only entailed 7 hours and nothing more.. yes. Not one to complain, we go hyperspace this weekend boys!!
I sprung out of bed and got right to work. Not much time left and a lot to do. Went ahead and got the base color down and fixed all the issues. Everything is set now for weathering and the decal stage and such. Also got the wheel pieces done and some other fiddle bits which will be glued on after the decals.


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Thanks pete.. I spent most of the day doing panel variation and having my tape rip off sections of work. Annoying is the word, but I'm almost done with that. I just want to get the coat of future on and place it down and work on the clear parts and such.
Looking good Corey. This doesn't always work, but if you run the tape between finger and thumb first, pressing hard, it removes some of the 'tack', and makes it less likely to pull-off paint. Works even better doing this with a specialist modelling/drafting tape, such as Tamiya masking tape.
Speak of the technique terry.. I was doing that exact thing remembering you told me about it some time ago. Didn't seem to matter.. All is well now and the first coat of future is drying.

Heres a look at my attempt for the panels


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Here's a look after the future and my umber recessed panel washes. Still got work to do on the sides and will apply the decals then do some light OD mist to blend it all.


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Thanks andy!

Here's what i'm currently doing, the de-icer boots. Thinking on my tape success and error of tape leak and all that stress, I am hand painting them. :D


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Thanks T and Dan.. I had high hopes of going to a suprise party and returning home to work more but it turned into an all nighter. Thanks to the extension no biggie, should get a fair amount done tomorrow. :)

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