Of all things to hold me up its the prop spinners. They are suppose to be painted with white tips and black rear. I can't seem to mask the spinners to apply the second color. Any suggestions welcome.
I have that kit in my stash so I checked out the spinners.
Here's what I would suggest (apologies if any of this is stuff you've already tried):
1 ) airbrush the entire spinner white first
2 ) put the spinner on a toothpick - use any two of the three slots for the props and wedge a toothpick in sideways - it will give you something to hold on to
3 ) cut a THIN strip of tamiya masking tape for each spinner - you are shooting for about 1mm in width and around an inch (mayble an inch and a half) in length - using a thin piece of tape like this will make getting the first edge a LOT easier. It doesn't matter if one edge is wobbly - just make sure that you have a ONE good straight edge on the piece that you cut and make sure THAT edge is pointed to the area where the second color goes.
4 ) use a pair of tweezers to hold down one end of the tape and slowly wind it around the spinner - do NOT flatten the tape as you wind it around the spinner - if you do, it will tend to spiral around the spinner - This is kind of hard to explain but you are trying to get ONE edge of the tape - the edge that points to the BLACK back half to seal against the spinner - if the other edge of the tape is off the spinner you don;t care in the beginning
5 ) continue to wind the tape around until the edge of the tape that points to the back half of the spinner meets up and matches with the starting point of the tape - if it doesn't match, unwind and rewind.
6 ) when the tape overlaps itself cut off the excess - now you can CAREFULLY flatten the hanging edge of the tape - make sure you do NOT distort the other edge - and don't worry if there are ridges or bumps on the trailing edge. As long as the edge painting to the black area is flat, you're good.
7 ) take another slightly wider piece of tape (about 2mm wide) and repeat the process - overlap the second piece with the first
8 ) take a THIRD piece (about 2mm wide) and repeat the process
9 ) When you have all three pieces on - you can airbrush the untaped back half - hold the spinner so the point is up, that way if your mix a little thin you won't have black paint seeping under the tape - also aim the airbrush so the flow is almost perpendicular to the axis of the spinner - that will also minimize leakage and underspray
Masking curved surfaces is kind of tough.