Well, here we are - Hurricane model is done (finally)...
Firstly I wish to thank all of you fellas for your kind comments and continuous interest during the course of this build. Word or two about the model... This is my first plastic model kit I've assembled after more then 10 years (not counting two scratch build models I've build this summer, because... well, they were made of wood and I consider them as practice for this build). This is the first time I've done panel lines with pencil and tried to do some weathering on the model (on plastic kit). Building this model was fun thing to do although it lasted a little longer then I anticipated. No major problems were encountered during this build except that little mishap with right color tone for "Dark earth" and "Azure Blue" colors. National marking decals are aftermarket but I used stencil decals provided with the kit.
Not much left to say... I'm looking forward to participate in future Group Builds with new models.
Here are few photos of finished model. I will take further photos of better quality tomorrow at daylight and then create official "***Finished model" thread.