DONE: KI-48-I Type 99 (Lily) Group Build

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I have gotten the paint on the bottom and have to pick up some brown from the LHS hopefully some pics tonight.Cheers Kevin(The shop is calling way to much my work station in the house is like 22'd X 30'l)
The Lily just about became a Kamikaze tonight :evil:.I have gotten the brown laid now all my ideals on the blue lines have failed so going back to the hand painting them :rolleyes:.I might lay the green just piss'in me off right now.Every night for the last 10-14 days when I try to leave work early something happens to keep me there till late.It's just that by the time I go from 6:30AM till 7:00PM+ I am just to tired to pay much attention to building but it will get done somehow I am sure.The Green ................yep
Well I got the green laid it's okay even @10psi still got some overspray so have to go back with the tan it was actually a better mixture or lets say flowed better.Tonight was one of those nights I probably should of not even of tried working on it,butter fingers a frigg'in fight the whole way :rolleyes: Arrrghh Frick it Kevin


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Looking really nice Kevin, can't see any overspray in the pics. With the camouflage on, it really does bear a resemblance to the Martin Baltimore.
Real careful with the Brown Kevin or you will need to touch up the green again too!!

I know what you mean.Thks for the positives guys I think I was tring to rush it last night with the lack of time I have had lately.Cheers Kevin
The blue lines are on a bit glossy right now but the flat will take care of that later.The spray of the tan went well @8psi and thin.


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