**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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Uhhhmmm...........Hhhhmmmmmmmm.........Cough.............SON!!!!!!!! I had thought about getting back into model building but after this............FORGET IT!!!! Words do absolutely no justice Mr. Little.
Thanks Guys.

...also fitted the Foot pedal assemblies....also a delicate fit into the nose section, went in clean and simple, thankfully.


  • Rudder Pedals installed_1089.JPG
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  • Rudder Pedals installed_1092.JPG
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  • Rudder Pedals installed_1094.JPG
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Wayne, can you, when you're putting the glazing on, get a big, ugly, f!king finger print of superglue on it, just to show us you really are human and not some sort of a droid?

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