**** DONE: Revell 1/48 P-40B RAF 112 Squadron in Egypt in 1941 MTO Group Build

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THX same to you.

Here is another pic of these bays. Can you see the bay scructure?


  • P-40 AVG.jpg
    P-40 AVG.jpg
    46.9 KB · Views: 75
Wojtek, I don't know how much work can be done today, because I have a big test tomorrow that I will study for. Here are the disks, horrible , yes. I guess we should just move on.... :(


  • 102_4763.JPG
    56.9 KB · Views: 66
I'm with Wayne. Take a deep breath. The right one looks quite good though. How narrow are these three strips on the disk?
If you would have bisected them along their lenght you got six thin ( very narrow) strips. These would have been enough to pretend the inner structure of bays.Right?
Unfortunately the left one looks different from the right disk and I suggest to make another one similar to the right one.:(

Generally both look much better than these first ones.What means you are going well Harrison. :D

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