DONE: Spitfire MkVc "Marge" No.85 Sqn RAAF, Group Build

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Andy, I've just got the May edition of Model Airplane International magazine, and there's a feature article in it which might interest you (and other RAAF fans). It covers the RAAF Spit MkV, and includes 21 colour profiles, two of which are NMF, and a pic of A58 - 248, SH-Z. There are also decals for all schemes, which can be downloaded, to print onto inkjet decal sheet!
I've attached a (reduced) sample page of the artwork By Richard J. Caruana, to give you an idea. If you can't get this mag, and are interested, bung me an e-mail address and I'll get them to you.
There's also a feature on A20's in Europe and the PTO which might interest Muller.


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You should see the rest of them! And the decals are for ALL of the schemes shown, I believe across the scales, and can be downloaded free I believe!!
Andy, I've just got the May edition of Model Airplane International magazine, and there's a feature article in it which might interest you (and other RAAF fans). It covers the RAAF Spit MkV, and includes 21 colour profiles, two of which are NMF, and a pic of A58 - 248, SH-Z. There are also decals for all schemes, which can be downloaded, to print onto inkjet decal sheet!
I've attached a (reduced) sample page of the artwork By Richard J. Caruana, to give you an idea. If you can't get this mag, and are interested, bung me an e-mail address and I'll get them to you.
There's also a feature on A20's in Europe and the PTO which might interest Muller.

Ah...will keep an eye out for that one, thanks Terry!
Thought it might interest you too Wayne! Same goes, if you can't get it, let me know, and I'll e-mail the profiles etc.
BTW, the June issue is going to have an article on the Vultee Vengeance, which I'm sure Andy will want to see! I'll try to get it, just in case!
Thought it might interest you too Wayne! Same goes, if you can't get it, let me know, and I'll e-mail the profiles etc.
BTW, the June issue is going to have an article on the Vultee Vengeance, which I'm sure Andy will want to see! I'll try to get it, just in case!

May issue should find it's way onto our shelves in about a month I think?

That will make Andy's day I reckon...:D
I think so too Wayne. The article itself is a single page, with a pic of SH-L, and some intersting info. The 21 colour profiles are very detailed and varied, with a number of schemes, including overpainted ones. Then there's the downloadable decals!
It's a mag I only get occasionally, but it always seems to have some pretty good stuff in it. Got to watch the spends on such mags, as it's just short of £4 per copy now - (gone are the days of modelling mags at under a quid!) - which is about a third of the price of some decent kits.
G'day Terry! sorry for the late reply, have only just set up the internet at my new place. Anyway thanks for the heads up mate, I'll definately be keeping an eye out for that issue!
Also finally made a start on my model. Cockpit is pretty much all painted and just awaiting assembly. Not much detail in this kit, but seeing as the canopy will be closed I'm not overly bothered.


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