DONE: A-20G Havoc, RAAF No.22 Squadron, Kamiri 1944 Group Build

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Cheers fellas! :D

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I rang that company in the UK, no joy. BUT, I was in the LHS yesterday and was talking to one of the lads working there, he had an Italeri 1/48 Havoc in a large cardboard box that was going to another branch, he opened it up and whipped out the clear sprue and gave it to me. He said he'd return the kit to the distributer saying it was missing, result! Well after that I couldn't leave without buying anything, so I got an Italeri 1/48 B-25, so I've another bomber in the stash! 8)
Cheers lads, I got the canopy masked last night. I took my time with it this time around, so hopefully it'll turn out better.

Peter, I'm a bit like Wayne Rooney, I have a thing for ugly old birds :)
Again with the ugly word....

U guys should be ashamed of urselfs for putting down such a beautiful aircraft who did absoultely nothing to u but attempt to secure peace amongst the wonderful nations of the globe in a time of severe unrest....

Shame shame shame on the both of u.....
I think the B-25 is a beaut Dan, and the kit is lovely, lots of interior detail, not that you see any of it when it's closed up. I'm leaning towards building it as B-25C-15 "Poon Tang", 488th BS, 340th BG, USAAF, Sicily 1943.


(Pic - Wings Palette)
Look here.

I did say they were an ugly second cousin to the Boston, but I'm not the only one that thinks so. Here look at this picture. Even the Fifth Bomb Group thought so. See they have tried to disguise it's ugliness by taking off that drab camo and brightening it up a bit with a nice civvy scheme.

Did it work? No. Ugly. :D8)

Of course they could be making it as innocuous as possible to slip past those nasty zeros. :D

(No offence intended - they were and are great planes, and I've got one lined up for the Bomber Build - a B-25 that is)


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Cool pic Peter! You've given me an idea. I could build the B-25 with 1940's Aer Lingus livery!


Had a bit of an issue with the new canopy piece, it's slightly warped. I tried putting it boiling water to straighten it, didn't work. So I masked it anyway and painted the interior green inside. I stuck it on in one place with CA. Here's how it looks.

No too bad, right?


WRONG! :lol:


I left it for a while and then glued the rest down and taped it. I'm waiting for that to dry then will fill in at the fuselage with Terry's patented Klear Talc Filler© .

You can see at the rear of the liferaft, the cockpit section has dropped and there's a gap. I've filled that in with CA, will touch up with interior green and see how it looks.

She's nearly finished. :)
Ugly never except maybe feeling the rath of her fire power. Muller if you want to do a C model and if you find or make decals you may find Desert Warrior a very interesting aircraft with an intesting history.


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Had a look for those decals Micdrow, not available, but there are a fair few good sheets available for other birds, lots of cool nose-art! 8)
Had a look for those decals Micdrow, not available, but there are a fair few good sheets available for other birds, lots of cool nose-art! 8)

I cant disagree, the B-25 had some way cool art work not only on the nose but some units did the tail up as well.
Back to the A-20, pretty much finished. Here she is, will take some finished pics tomorrow (weather permitting, thundery downpours forecast here).


On to an armour build next!

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