Well, after a total five and a half hours, I finally got all 8 SEAC decals in place!
As mentioned in the previous post, this entailed removing each decal from the backing sheet after being soaked in water, and after applying a few drops of 'Micro Sol', then turning each decal over, and removing the glue with the aid of a wet paint brush, and a little more 'Micro Sol'.
The 'Sol' helped to partially dissolve the glue, which had obviously degraded over the years, and discoloured, which caused the opaque effect on what should be the clear decal carrier film.
Once this was done, a little 'Sol' was applied to the back of each decal, and also the area to be treated, and the decal then placed, off the tip of my finger, before gently squeegee-ing it into place, again using a small paint brush. Once satisfied that the decal was correctly placed and all air and moisture had been eliminated from beneath the film, it was then gently pressed down, and a little more 'Sol' applied, and then left to settle.
I found that Klear/Future was not required, although a clear coat will be applied over each decal once they have fully set.
So now, the only decals to place are those for the serial number, once that is established either way, plus a couple more small stencils I forgot to make. Then it's back to final construction, clear matt coat, and some detail work, before moving on to making the display base.
PIC 1. A roundel decal turned over, showing the back, and the cloudy, grey appearance of the carrier film
PIC 2. The opaque carrier film is more apparent in this shot.
PIC 3. Here, the glue can be seen collecting as it is being washed off, and note the clarity of the decal itself (the back of the printed image) where the glue has been removed.
PIC 4. One of the wing roundels in place and settling, with the carrier film disappearing as intended.
PIC 5. All decals done, except the serials and a couple of tiny stencils.
The pics show the process of getting the decals to work, and thanks once again for your interest to date. More soon !