I managed to slightly improve the top horizontal frames on the windscreen, and the frames are painted, and on the canopy. I decided to make and fit the canopy locking latch, and the 'rubber' jettison ball, now rather then later, and these have also been painted.
The landing gear has been assembled, brake lines added from lead wire, and the legs and doors painted, and the wheels were lightly sanded to get rid of the slightly too 'rounded' appearance of the tread area, and 'flats' filed, before painting and the first stage of 'dirtying'.
PIC 1. The landing gear and wheels. The latter will have more work done to them once they are fully dry, with more red 'dust' added to the tyres.
PIC 2. The windscreen and canopy after painting the frames. The thinned horizontal frame is just visible above the masking, although the paint on the masking tape makes it still look thick. Just visible under the canopy forward frame is the locking latch, and the red jettison ball, whilst on the lower frame, the red-painted jettison wires can just be discerned. The frames have been gloss clear-coated, to blend with the model, and there's a little tidying-up to be done, before adding a matt clear coat, and removing the tape.
So now I'm just waiting to hear from Max, to learn if the film footage reveals anything, before continuing any further. Soon as I know what's what, I'll let you all know, and finish the serial number decals, before applying a matt clear coat to the model, and starting on the final details.
Thanks once again for your interest and kind comments.