Other than being used to the color scheme with the brown background (I guess I'm just used to the icons showing new posts), there's not a whole heckuvalot I'd like to see changed around here! Bang-up job you're doing, Horse! Its GREATLY appreciated!
It wasn't there. At least I didn't see it listed. Horse did say he was going to have two formats for the forum, maybe the second is not up and running yet.
Thats possible. I know when I clean my cookies and log on again it goes to the old arkus style which I can change at the bottom of the screen. But its gone on the clean blue.
Has anybody else had problems of getting kicked off? Sometimes I'll log in, read a post type a response, hit post and then told I need to log on again (which I've already done)
Has anybody else had problems of getting kicked off? Sometimes I'll log in, read a post type a response, hit post and then told I need to log on again (which I've already done)
Under quick links I would like to see "my posts" back please. I have a couple of builds I started long a go I will be updating when I finish my current GB's. It sure was easier to find them in there. Possible???? Bill