GrauGeist's Photos

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Thanks guys and Eric, you're welcome. Glad I was able to get a T-34 in there that you weren't familiar with!

And I was just going to stay on the ramp for a few hours today, getting some shots of Aluminum Overcast, smell a little exhaust and such. Ended up staying for about 5 hours, and had some good fun. Took about 1.86 Gigs worth of photos (couple hunderd)

I'll just post a few for now, though!


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Glad ya' guys are enjoying them!

Great shots, GG. I know how easy the hours melt away when you are hanging around old airplanes.
You're not kidding!

Here's some more

The top photo shows us walking out to rotate the props. I was "volunteered" to help rotate the engines to circulate the oil that had settled overnight.


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Thought I'd toss in a couple more I took during the B-17's visit.

First photo shows a scratch-built Spad replica made from the ground up. There's quite a story behind this tempermental little machine and how it likes to end up in bushes, ground looping and committing general mayhem.

Next photo was kind of neat, CDF 202 was taking off across the way, and I grabbed a shot of it as it was "taxiing" to it's departure point.


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Glad everyone enjoyed the photos, I'll have to make a gallery dedicated to Aluminum Overcast and share more external and internal photos. I know Rasenpfeil has some from a couple years he'd want to share, too.

I was messing around with my Macro lense (again) and scored a great shot of a hoppy spider right after she nailed a small moth. All that orange is from a Lily she was lurking on.

And I'm sure Eric will get a laugh out of this, but I was using some small flies that like to hover and dart around as practice for our airshow that's coming up soon! I was using my Sigma 70-300 APO DG from my deck and they were about 8 - 10 feet away and below me. They came out much better than I expected!


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Chasing flies for practice really helps me keep the subject in focus, especially with my 70-300 lense...

Another trick that I use, is keeping my left eye open while the right is on the view-finder. I do that already when I'm working with my rifle, so it's pretty much second nature.

Anyway, I have been fooling with some video DVD software, and thought I'd practice on it using some of my floral photographs. I set it to some music, so it's sort of a music video, but unlike the ones we post over in the IL-2 lounge, this doesn't have bullets flying everywhere and thrashed aircraft.

I have it posted at YouTube (there's 2, actually) but this is the link to the first: View:

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