handley page heyford 1/72nd by matchbox

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 28, 2010
maidenhead uk
during chatting on another post someone suggested i just build some of my interwar kits rather than waiting for a group build next year when i said i had a lot of them so i'm going to start with this one

the above pics show the main kit going together,i've done this over 3 evenings work,i plan to have a go at detailing the main cockpit as per the drawing,i'm not sure yet just how much detail i will put in as you can't see much but i'm going to have a go anyway

thanks for looking
Good one Bob. I remember seeing a superb build of this kit at an IPMS meeting (Nationals, I think) in the 1980s.
Hard to believe that this was our 'Front Line' bomber only a few years before the Wellington and on to the Lanc. !!

progress so far showing some detailing of the cockpit including my 1st attempt at building a camera as shown on the exploded view of the cockpit,you won't see any of it although at least i can say its there and its no-where near as good as others work on here,maybe i will try again and do better next time

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