Hasegawa P-40E

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Excellent progress there Andy, this is going to be great. There are a few ideas about getting a good result with yellow, but I tried painting first with white, and then yellow. Means I didn't need 5 coats of yellow to get an even looking finish. HTH. One thing I disliked about the Hase P-40 is the vertical fuselage seam. Pain in the @rse - but the end result will be great. It's a beaut kit.


I agree that there always is a problem with these paints.However there is a trick we can use. Before you apply the white or yellow paint, apply a clear gloss or matt dope on surfaces where these paints have to be put. Of course the light grey primer is useful as well.

Keep working Andy.
Nice job Andy, and the 'office' looks good. Wojtek's tip for the yellow works well BTW. Also, first coat matt, second gloss, then add matt clear if required; works wonders.
Thanks for the kind words guys, and tips! Wojtek and Terry, I'll use that method when it comes to the white tail, should make life a bit easier.

plheure2 said:
Me likes a lot!! Unusual paint scheme. Is it late war?
Thanks mate, yep early '45 time frame.
Here's some updated shots guys. Progress has been slow but it is ongoing. So far I've attached the fuselage half to the wings and finished the prop. The undercarriage is done and the drop tank should be finished tonight. I'll also aim to have the tail attached to the fuselage tonight aswell.
The last shot shows why progress has been slow


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Great work on the P 40 Andy shes looking a right treat!

Nice accuracy on the Pool there mate, thought Im not sure the concrete colour tone is period for its type.

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