He Who Must Not Be Named is still pissing on this forum...

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I tried Dan, and you can't get there from here. Did they delete his post ?


I give up. Which dirt bag is this? I came into the game late and now the URL link is kaput. Who is this guy??

The link is back up now

aerosup said:
Re: Avoid ww2aircraft.net
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I am planning to join that forum.. because I am currently looking for some aviation or aircraft forum..
but, because of what you've said.. I am having a second thought.. thanks..

Just in case the link goes down again...

I don't get upset I get even............

that says it all, agree with Marcel drop this bucket of S**t and back onto the ww2A/C. the slime will get banned on the avitop site in time for whatever reasons it is good for
Good Lord what a loser.

He's been a member of this other forum since the day he was banned in July. And to date he has 4 posts total. All in the "I hate wwIIaircraft.net" thread. Valuable member he is.
Suggest that you guys not give this guy any more power than he already has, He wants you to read his posts. he wants you rect to his taunts. ignore him. He will be forgotten quicker if you do that.

You cant control what happens on other websites, and talking about it only gives him a defacto soap box in this place as well. he is controlling us without even talking to us

I think you told him to chill for a week and leave the personal attacks out. Seems like he didn't come back....

You are thinking of Kruska. As I recall, warned Learstang, but FlyboyJ just pulled the trigger when he went after the mods.

And you would be suprised how many idiots get banned in a given month if you don't surf the whole site constantly. That's why I was asking whom it was. I looked and there were at least 6-8 people banned in our archives before I gave up looking. Most are spammers though.
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