Just wanted to introduce myself . I came across this website/forum a few months ago and only signed up today .
My modeling goes way back to when Airfix and Revell aircraft model kits cost as low as $0.50 - $0.75 USD . And gas was $0.29.9 a gallon . Oh well , so much for the good ol' days .
Never really left the hobby but have been semi-retired from it for many years and now getting back into it .
BTW , does anyone have any photos , plans or information about the WW2 RAF Stirling Bomber ? There were 2 websites , one I believe in the Netherlands which seems to have gone comatose and one still active in the UK . I'm looking for detailed info on the Stirling so I can build a 1:48 sclale model of one . I feel that the Stirling and its courageous flight crews got screwed out of the publicity and fame that they really deserve by history and historians . The Stirling was a good bomber that if it had been built to the original idea/plans that Short aircraft company had intended instead of the bogus requirements heaped on it by the Air Ministry . It would have had a very successful career and history .
See y'all later .
My modeling goes way back to when Airfix and Revell aircraft model kits cost as low as $0.50 - $0.75 USD . And gas was $0.29.9 a gallon . Oh well , so much for the good ol' days .
Never really left the hobby but have been semi-retired from it for many years and now getting back into it .
BTW , does anyone have any photos , plans or information about the WW2 RAF Stirling Bomber ? There were 2 websites , one I believe in the Netherlands which seems to have gone comatose and one still active in the UK . I'm looking for detailed info on the Stirling so I can build a 1:48 sclale model of one . I feel that the Stirling and its courageous flight crews got screwed out of the publicity and fame that they really deserve by history and historians . The Stirling was a good bomber that if it had been built to the original idea/plans that Short aircraft company had intended instead of the bogus requirements heaped on it by the Air Ministry . It would have had a very successful career and history .
See y'all later .