Iam Ron Kootje and i live in the Netherlands ive been building models for 12 years now bud starting to build realy realistic for about 4/5 years.
Iam 25 years old
I can rember my first model whit all the gleu marks and poorly painted but since i read internet en books about moddeling i learned a great deal of stuff and still am.
This is my collecktion of warbirds so far, i also build WOI planes i hope you like them.
Two P47 one is razorback and one is bubble the bubble is from Revell and razor back from tamiya.
AM6c zero and a Fockewulf 11c AM6c is from academy and the 190 is From Revell.
Some WOI fighters most of them are Eduard sum are Roden and a Resin kit.
Ales the planes that you c here are 1/72 scale.
One project wich i been building for 8 mounths now is the USS Missouri 1/350 white photo echt detailes and barresl etc.
All the white styrene is scratch build since the deck and deckhous is not correct so iam building it all from scratch whit drawings in 1/96 scale.
The plane i am building at this moment is the BF 109E-4.
this one is the JG2 Flown by Major Helmut Wick about 1940
Regards Ron Kootje
Iam 25 years old
I can rember my first model whit all the gleu marks and poorly painted but since i read internet en books about moddeling i learned a great deal of stuff and still am.
This is my collecktion of warbirds so far, i also build WOI planes i hope you like them.
Two P47 one is razorback and one is bubble the bubble is from Revell and razor back from tamiya.
AM6c zero and a Fockewulf 11c AM6c is from academy and the 190 is From Revell.
Some WOI fighters most of them are Eduard sum are Roden and a Resin kit.
Ales the planes that you c here are 1/72 scale.
One project wich i been building for 8 mounths now is the USS Missouri 1/350 white photo echt detailes and barresl etc.
All the white styrene is scratch build since the deck and deckhous is not correct so iam building it all from scratch whit drawings in 1/96 scale.
The plane i am building at this moment is the BF 109E-4.
this one is the JG2 Flown by Major Helmut Wick about 1940
Regards Ron Kootje