Hobbycraft Dornier Do-17Z 5K+EA BoB GB

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Ok so I added the captains chair and painted RLM 02...

The radios need more black since I had painted them black originally and forgot RLM 02....

wings together.


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Looking very Dornier like.

Have you ever seen the photos of the KG76 Do 17 shot down over Victoria Railway Station in London during the Battle of Britain? Very jaw dropping, the whole plane splits in two.
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Sure is progressing H.
Colin, I wouldn't mind seeing those pics - I've only ever seen the one showing one undercart leg and wheel, and some wreckage, mangled into the remains of the station forecourt.
Ok painted all the seats but what should the different colors be? Also added the control yoke.

Also added the rear gunner seat supports. I modded the seat so they are way to big but no one will see them so whatever.


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The seat colours are the same as the rest of the cockpit H. The 'lattice' bits were webbing, forming the seat base, like a sort of wide basket weave, and far as I've seen, these were a dull brown colour, although a greenish grey, darker than RLM 02, has also been seen.

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