Hs 123 A-1, "Red T"10./Lg 2; Greece April, 1941 Group Build

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Thanks Andy and Terry. :)

I've got the rear tire painted but not sure whether the rear tire assembly needs to be repainted as RLM 02 or if it can be left as RLM 65. Anyone have any ideas or care to offer an opinion?
Iin some of my pics there is a contrast in the tones of the tail wheel leg and fues, Dwight. A colour profile shows the leg as '02 too (don't know how accurate the artwork though of course)
Thanks everyone. And thanks Wayne, Evan and Andy for the info on the RLM 65 / 02. :)

Upper wing going on now. :)
BUGGER! Decals are going to be an issue - wouldn't you know it. Didn't check my stash and the decals I had planned on using have yellowed. I've got them taped to the window to see if the sun can slavage them. The hakenkreuzes are fine but \\the black triangle, the red T and the infantry support badge are the issue. Digging thru my stash again to see if I have anything else I can use. DAMN! DAMN!
Don't panic Dwight! If they aren't dark yellow, you'll probably find that they clear when soaked, and hit with Micro Sol. The yellowing is normally just surface discolouration of the finishing varnish, mostly airborne grime, especially if anyone in the household smokes , and in most cases disappears when they're used. The white lettering decals I used on my PTO Avenger looked like pale yellow characters, but cleaned up nicely in use. However, if the decals haven't been stored in a closed container/book etc, then they might have the effects of UV light causing discolouration, in which case, a tiny drop of dish-washing liquid in the water when used will help to clear them - but only a tiny drop!
Don't panic Dwight! If they aren't dark yellow, you'll probably find that they clear when soaked, and hit with Micro Sol. The yellowing is normally just surface discolouration of the finishing varnish, mostly airborne grime, especially if anyone in the household smokes , and in most cases disappears when they're used. The white lettering decals I used on my PTO Avenger looked like pale yellow characters, but cleaned up nicely in use. However, if the decals haven't been stored in a closed container/book etc, then they might have the effects of UV light causing discolouration, in which case, a tiny drop of dish-washing liquid in the water when used will help to clear them - but only a tiny drop!

:lol: Panic? Moi? Thanks Terry. I got the decals second hand so no idea how they were stored. Hopefully it's just surface discoloration.
Wayne, fingers crossed! :) Last bits going on now, some touch up paint and then the clear coat. Decals go on tomorrow after the clear coat dries. Another one right to the last minute. :)
That is looking sharp Dwight I like the contrast in colors also makes it stand out,cool.Cheers Kevin
That is looking sharp Dwight I like the contrast in colors also makes it stand out,cool.Cheers Kevin

Thanks Kevin. :)

Pic 1: It looks even BETTER with the engine cowling on. You can just barely see the new headrest I added.

Pic 2: A couple of more details I added - a pair of wire struts inside the smaller cabane struts, the triangular engine bracing, and a pair of hypo gun barrels. :)

Pic 3: underside with the fuel tank and the four 50 kg bombs - outboard bombs are general purpose 50 kg bombs and the inboard bombs are 50 kg Incendiary. I've also done a pair in slightly lighter grey and might switch them out at the last minute.

So I'm just waiting to add the clear coat and decals should go on LATE tomorrow. :)


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That Sir is going to be one nice little bird with the when the decals get laid ;) Cheers Kevin

On relooking at those barrels Dwight made me think what would happen too that cowl if a bullet for some reason tumbled?Oh what a mess that would be :)
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