I Need Some Prayers From U Guys, Hurricane Gustav Style...

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I will keep you in my prayers Dan and I know you guys will be safe. All the best of luck for you and everyone that will be affected by this storm.
Thank u so much guys, I really appreciate it... I am very concerned about this storm and the life changes that could be coming our way...

Crazy at it sounds, I'm actually supposed to be heading down to the Gulf Coast this weekend, I hope this thing blows over fast...

If you guys see a semi flying by, you'll know who the fool is...
Both of you guys take care. If you get a warning to abandon ship.........leave! I'll be thinking about both of you. I like the idea of getting the grill to a safe place. It seems like a good precaution to take.
les, God bless! Will keep your area in my prayers!
Keep us up to date! We're prayin for you guys (and everyone else down there, too). And while you're playing hackeysack with Gustav's spleen below the 20-ft lightning rod with Lucky (and his skirt) strapped to it, feel free to send any excess rain north-ish and west-ish.

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